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Use Romi's Sprite Tool's sprites

Sprite insertion tool for SMW ROM image.



No special procedure is necessary.

  1. Edit the sprites list file.

  2. Correct the sprite’s config file for GIEPY.

  3. Execute GIEPY.


Some sprites probably need modifications.

Sprites that generate custom sprites

Specifically, it’s a sprite that calls this routine.

Routine Description
$0187a7 Routine for initialize sprite.

In GIEPY, since the content of extra bits ram has been changed, it will not work without modification.

Extra bits RAM Before (Romi’s Sprite Tool / PIXI)

bit Description
bit0-1 Not used
bit2 Sprite operation option
bit3 Custom sprite bit
bit4-7 Not used

Extra bits RAM After (GIEPY)

bit Description
bit0-1 Not used
bit2-3 Sprite group
bit4-6 Not used
bit7 Custom sprite bit

Also, this information must be set before calling $0187a7.

Specific modification example

I introduce a correction example of Boomelang bros(boomelang_bro.asm) included to Sprite Tool.

  1. Comment out lines 12 and 13 (For use the setting of GIEPY).

    ;; Boomerang Brother, by mikeyk
    ;; Description: Similar to his role in SMB3, this guy throws boomerangs at Mario. 
    ;; BIG FAT NOTE: This sprite depends on the boomerang sprite.  Make sure you insert the
    ;; boomerang as the very next sprite.  (ex. If this is sprite 1B, make the boomerang 1C)
    ;; Uses first extra bit: NO
    ;                    EXTRA_BITS = $7FAB10
    ;                    NEW_SPRITE_NUM = $7FAB9E    ;08 bytes   custom sprite number
                        JUMP_TIMER = $163E
                        RAM_ThrowTimer = $1504
  2. Change line 259 to line 261.


                     JSL $0187A7             ;  get table values for custom sprite 
                     LDA #$08 
                     STA EXTRA_BITS,x


                     LDA #$88                ;  Set custom sprite group2
                     STA EXTRA_BITS,x
                     JSL $0187A7             ;  get table values for custom sprite