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Library file coding & using guide

Sprite insertion tool for SMW ROM image.

Create library file

The library file is ASAR exclusive.

Library files for TRASM can’t be created.


It is very simple.

Just write the label and process.

The routine must end with RTL.

	rep	#$20
	lda.b	$00
	adc.w	#0100
	sta.w	$00
	sep	#$20
	lda.b	$02
	adc.b	#00
	sta.b	$02

	db	$30, $40, $50

In this example, the CalcSumthing routine and TableData are defined as a library.

Multiple libraries can be defined in one file.

Label name not to be exported

These will not be exported.

Use library

It is very simple.

Simply put the file in the library directory and call the routine(or load the table) contained in the library.

	lda.l	TableData
	jsl	CalcSumthing

The library automatically inserts what is used. Insertion is done in library file units.

Be careful not to make many small files, as the capacity used in the signature will increase.